Basics: Linking a File in a Course
Set up a Content area to host your items and files before uploading materials to Blackboard.
Follow the instructions below to upload.
Adding content using the Text Box Editor:
1. Select the circle with the plus sign icon:
4. Select OK from the pop-up dialogue box when choosing to add from Content Collection, and the file has multiple pages associated with it (e-books, learning objects, PowerPoints, etc.).
Linking from the Attachments Option
1. Select the Browse option below the text box editor when adding a document.
3. When choosing Local Files, the file will be uploaded to your Course Files, and a link to it will appear just below the title of your item.
4. Select OK from the pop-up dialogue box when choosing to add from Content Collection, and the file has multiple pages associated with it (e-books, learning objects, PowerPoints, etc.).
5 After it has loaded, you will see the following information. Leave it in the default settings.
Using File to attach a Document
The procedures are the same as the instructions for adding a document for In an Item Linked in Attachments, where you will choose either Browse Local Files or Browse Content Collection.By using one of the methods above, documents linked in this manner will have the correct permissions applied to them in your course, and if it is visible to your students, your students will have access to it.If your students need help viewing any files in your course, please get in touch with the FAC for assistance. The FAC supports faculty only. Do not have students contact the FAC.