Basics: Requesting a Course Copy
Past semester Blackboard content or shell content can be copied into next semester’s course. To make a request, email and provide your complete course section information, including course, section and synonym in the email. Also include any special instructions such as "Don't copy Announcements" or "Please leave starter posts on Discussion Boards."
source course destination course
CSCI-2467-SHELL-2020 to CSCI-2467-001-12345-SP-2020
COLS-1101-010-24126-SP-2020 to COLS-1101-001-29704-SU-2020
Pre-Copy Checklist:
- Have you been officially assigned to the destination course?
- Is there content in the destination course already? If so, all content copied into it will add to, or duplicate existing content.
- Are you completely ready to copy the content from the source course – is the content exactly what you want copied?
Post-Copy Checklist:
- Have you verified that all content transferred properly?
- Follow the checklist for Beginning of the Semester Checklist