Zoom: Linking a Regular Meeting from a Blackboard Class Using the Zoom Meeting Tool Link

Activate the Tool

1. Go to Course Management>Customization>Tool Availability

2. Locate Zoom Meeting in the alphabetized listing

3. Check the box and select the submit button in the lower right corner

Add a Tool Link

1. Go to the upper left corner of the navigation menu
2. Select the icon that looks like a circled plus sign 
3. Choose 'Tool Link'
4. Type in Zoom Meeting for the name
5. From the Type menu select Zoom Meeting
6. Make the tool available to users
7. Submit
(Illustrated instructions for making tools available and creating a tool link are linked below.)

If the Zoom link is in the menu, click the dropdown arrow next to it. 

It will show Hide Link but click it anyway. 

The Show Link option will appear. Select that option to make the link available to students.

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