Respondus: How to Download, Install and License Respondus

  1. Download the Respondus installation file (Log in)

    Note: Respondus is not currently compatible with Mac and will only work in a Windows environment.

  2. When prompted click Save File.
  1. Locate where it was saved on your computer (check Downloads folder first), and double click the file.
  2. The Respondus InstallShield Wizard dialog box will display. Click on the Next button to continue.
  3. The License Agreement dialog box will display. After reading the License Agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click on the Next button to continue.
  4. The Choose Destination Location dialog box will display. By default, the Respondus application will install in the location displayed. If you wish to change the location, click the Change... button and select a new location. When you are satisfied with the application location, click on the Next button to continue.
  5. The Projects Folder Location dialog box will display. By default, the Respondus project files will be saved in the location displayed. If you wish to change the location, click the Change... button and select a new location. When you are satisfied with the application location, click on the Next button to continue.
  6. The Ready to Install the Program dialog box will display. When you are ready to install Respondus, click on the Install button.
  7. The Setup Status dialog box will display. This step may take a minute or two to complete.
  8. A prompt will appear to install the Respondus Equation Editor to include mathematical equations in exams and quizzes, click Yes if needed. Please note all word processors must be closed in order to install the equation editor.
  9. The InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box will display. Click Finish to close the Wizard. Respondus is now installed

Go to and select "View Instructional Technology Tools."

Once you have Respondus installed, immediately check for updates by clicking on the Help Menu tab and selecting Updates.

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