Course Tools: Messages

(The Messages tool is not automatically turned on. To use it follow the instructions linked below for Making Tools Available.)

Messages are text-based communications that are private and secure conversations between all members of a Blackboard course or organization.

Unlike email exchanges, all sent messages are stored within Blackboard and become part of the course record.

They can be viewed by logging into Blackboard and accessed from the landing page, or from within the course via a tool link in the course menu.

Messages listed on the Blackboard landing page.
Messages as a Tool Link in a course menu.

Messages can be sent to a single participant, or to an entire class. Only courses that have the Messages tool activated will appear in the Messages folder.

Only courses actively using Messages will show in the students’ lists when the Base Navigation Messages menu item is selected. If none of the classes a student is enrolled in use Messages, the menu item will disappear from Base Navigation menu. 

Students may send messages to their instructors and classmates.

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