SoftChalk: How to Add a Scored SoftChalk Lesson to Blackboard

To add the lesson to Blackboard, use a LTI link of the SoftChalk lesson. This will link the lesson to the grade center.

Be sure the tools "LTI” and “LTI Link” are turned on under Customization > Tool Availability.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to SoftChalk Cloud
  2. Navigate to My Content > Lessons
  3. Click on the name of your lesson
  4. Find the points by clicking on score on the top right of the lesson
  5. Scroll down to the Lesson Actions area (bottom right of page) and copy the LTI Link
  6. In your Blackboard course, navigate to content area to add the lesson
  7. Select Build Content > Web Link and provide the LTI link in the URL
  8. Be sure to select This link is to a Tool Provider
  9. Be sure to set Enable Evaluation to Yes
  10. Enter the Points Possible for the lesson

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