SoftChalk: How to Add a Scored SoftChalk Lesson to Blackboard
To add the lesson to Blackboard, use a LTI link of the SoftChalk lesson. This will link the lesson to the grade center.
Be sure the tools "LTI” and “LTI Link” are turned on under Customization > Tool Availability.
Follow these steps:
- Login to SoftChalk Cloud
- Navigate to My Content > Lessons
- Click on the name of your lesson
- Find the points by clicking on score on the top right of the lesson
- Scroll down to the Lesson Actions area (bottom right of page) and copy the LTI Link
- In your Blackboard course, navigate to content area to add the lesson
- Select Build Content > Web Link and provide the LTI link in the URL
- Be sure to select This link is to a Tool Provider
- Be sure to set Enable Evaluation to Yes
- Enter the Points Possible for the lesson